Monday, August 17, 2009

5 weeks out weekend

Friday: Off
Soft Sand 8 mile run in the AM
Chilao to Chantry, plus 2 miles, plus 3 mi run down to Alta Dena, 27 mi
Wrightwood to Vincent Gap, plus an add-on, 15 miles.
lower body, upper body, stationary cycling, and yoga with ML.

50 mile weekend, 115 mile week.

Overall, this week had a bit more mileage. I didn't lose much speed or endurance though between the 5k on Wednesday, and good recovery from each run. If anything, I've felt cautious about coming in injury free. Thursday was a slow run with more walking than I'd like to do, but I finished feeling fine. My goal is to cover ground efficiently for as long as I can at AC until I get to the runnable stretches, where I'd like to be able to open up my stride and take out some big chunks of trail faster than a body theoretically should at mile 59 or 73 or 90.

Bulldog is on Saturday, I may jog the course Thursday to scope it one last time. 4:30 or better should be doable there.

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