Another week of adapting, growing, and finding a little more consistency to my daily routine. As simple as I thought just running and working would be, there still are ways to complicate things spending too much time doing one thing and not having enough time for another.
Mon Jan 10
6mi, 500ft, :45 - Crystal Cove
Tue Jan 11
5mi, 600ft, :49 - Crystal Cove (saw some deer at sunrise)
6mi, 1200ft, 1:02 - Crystal Cove, 10x200mx100ft climbs (just worked on form)
Wed Jan 12
8mi, 1600 ft, 1:22 - Trabucco Creek up Joplin
7mi, 100ft, :58 - Costa Mesa roads
Thu Jan 13
12mi, 1800ft, 1:50 - Silverado (Maple Springs FR) didn't quite make it all the way up
3mi, 0, :25 - Costa Mesa roads
Fri Jan 14
15mi, 2600ft, 2:08 - Silverado (Maple Springs) 4 points (strong climb at 10:00 pace hitting :73, easy descent)

Sat Jan 15
23mi, 4400ft, 7-8 hours-ish
Went to scope out a possible Baldy-Wrightwood race that would follow this route out and back. After a beautiful start rising out of the 6500ft Mt. Baldy Ski Lift parking lot up to the 7800ft Notch, the north side was predictably deep snow. The 1-2 ft deep soft snow was hardly runnable, but I didn't think it would last for too long. It ended up lasting for 4 miles down to Stockton Flat. Then Lytle Creek undergoing a bit of natural redecoration of the large shale type, that made it a confusing and fitting obstacle course to match the deep snow we'd already struggled through. After a bit of searching, we found the fire road up to Gobblers Knob, and turned around to surge back up a snowy Baldy Rd just in time for a sunset descent to the car.

-Looking back across Lytle Creek and Mt. Baldy
Though one might think 8 hours for 23 miles must have involved a lot of bs-ing.. we were actually moving for the vast majority of that time. It just involved a lot of stumbling through snow and over rough creek beds.
Sun Jan 17 2010
20mi, 2000ft, 2:49 - Los Liones-The Hub (and a few spurs) Ran into Wadly and ended up opening the stride up even more than I expected to pushing the pace under 9. It was great to run with another quick runner and put down some good splits on my old stomping grounds. A little dehydrated at the end, but plenty of water, mint ice cream sandwiches, and gatorade were waiting for us.

-Handstands are cool
105 miles
14,800 ft
There was less climbing than the week before, but I was happy to have two strong runs in there that I felt proud of. After all, I don't just want to run really really really far.. but also kinda fast too
Good Old War - My Own Sinking Ship
(Yes, this blog is a Good Old War fanpage as well.)
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