-Tom, Cormac (torpedo-hunter-dog), Me
heading up to Newcomb on Saturday (photo: Chris Price)
DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness ironically caught up with me. Usually this is 24-72 hours after, but for me (and other runners I've talked to) it's 1-2 weeks. I feel like the 'superficial' soreness I had right after the race left after about a week after when I ran 17mi on the Mt. D course without any trouble. Things seemed to simple, but the effort level I put out at AC wasn't a couple days soreness. It was a bit more, and I've learned that I have to work hard to get some power and range of motion back to my stride.
The good news is that it seems to be tapering off. I ran with Tom and Chris Saturday and noticed that we actually were climbing fairly well out of Chantry to Newcomb (not great, but decent) and when Tom dropped the hammer on the climb up towards Shortcut, I didn't fall off too much and gradually got better as the climb went on (note: he still smoked me and Chris). Furthermore, I got better as the day went on when Chris and I climbed from Westfork to Newcomb, I really showed some signs of life keeping the effort level up and pushing the pace 8:30 on the climb from 20-23.
saturday's run

-Crewing Kate midway through our run Saturday.
Glad I wasn't racing :) (photo: Chris Price)
Still, I'm hesitant about Bulldog 50k. I don't do terrible or great in the heat, but there's a gap in my training where I haven't felt well enough to really hammer some good treadmill hill workouts that would come in handy for the Bulldog Motorway climb. I'll try a few more this week, but I've been getting to a point in each where 3 mi seems "good enough" or all I can muster to keep it a good workout. Usually this was around 6mi of climbing for AC..
Another reason why I'm not crushing the fireroad climbs right now maybe that I find myself itching for technical singletrack. I feel stronger on it and the more rocks and roots and obstacles make me run faster and more creative and aggressive. Temescal this week should be a blast, but in the back of my head I know I committed to Bulldog and should follow up Friday with a strong hill workout. Whatever I end up doing, I know it'll all workout in the end as my brain's focal point is North Face Championships in December.. On tap for this weekend is finally doing Gorgonio, and a little Mt. Wilson workout Sunday.
Aug 1-7
Mon: 7mi, 1250ft, :69 -Crystal Cove
Tues: 2mi, 0ft, :16 -easy morning roads
5mi, 700ft, :42 -good Deer Park
Wed: 4mi, 750ft, :36 -treadmill: 1mi 6%, 1mi 11% 9:30 pace, 2mi 7:30's MT00's
Thurs: 8mi, 1250ft, :71 -Easy Sullivan Ridge
Fri: 9mi, 1600ft, :83 -Big loop Crystal Cove good
Sat: 15mi, 4800ft, 2:58 -Mt. Wilson Trail with Jorge relaxed
Sun: 15mi, 3000ft, 2:25 -Bulldog, HOT dehydrated mid-day
64mi, 13,300
-overall okay week, still getting back into the groove, dealing with DOMS
Aug 8-14
Mon: 9mi, 1600ft, 1:26 -Big loop
Tues: 3mi, 500ft, :23 -1mi@10%, 2mi quick at 6:30
Wed: 9mi, 1600ft, :77 -Big loop, strong
Thurs: 5mi, 1500ft, :40 -2.5mi @10%, 1.0mi at 5%, 1.5 mi at 6ish pace MT00's
Fri: 4mi, 600ft,:35 -Easy around Deer Park
Sat: 30mi, 7000ft, 4:45 -Around Chantry-WilsonGarmin claims 8,000
Sun: 10mi, 2000ft, 2:10 -Easy up and over Saddle Peak with Pandagirl
Total: 70mi, 15,000ft
-A little better, still trying to figure out how to really get the legs going again, let alone 50k race shape.
Lately I've really loved getting into Tahiti 80, it seems like they've got a song for everything. Tahiti 80 - Better Days Will Come

-Saturday's Objective. Mt. San Gorgonio
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